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At Ninety Three, they specialise in legal frameworks of several nations, assisting our clients in receiving expertise of lawyers qualified in different nations under a single umbrella. Their presence in India, Spain and Netherlands ensures that their lawyers are equipped by up-to-date technical expertise of their respective domains, facilitating cross-border transactions. Their experts range from foreign qualified lawyers and arbitrators to domestic law experts and international law academicians. The Ninety Three provides legal services to multi-national corporations, government authorities, NGOs, financial institutions, funds, angel-investors, start-ups and individuals across various industries on a plethora of matters including dispute resolution, advisory, transactional, regulatory and restructuring. Their clientele comprises of leading multi-national corporations, including Fortune India 500 companies and national governments among others.
Panchsheel Park, New Delhi
Penultimate and final year law students of 5-year law course and final year students of 3-year law course.
How to Apply:
Interested candidates can send their applications to applications@ninetythreelaw.com
We have taken all measures to ensure that this opportunity, available in the corporate domain, is uploaded/provided/given on our social media platforms, including our website, and is credible, verified and sourced from authenticated/trustable sources.