Psychology is a branch of science. It studies the human mind in terms of its behaviour and functions. Our mental well-being influences how we think, feel, and act. It includes our emotional, psychological, and social welfare. This not only helps us to determine how we handle stress, relate to others but also guides us to make healthy choices. Hindrances are a part and parcel in the circle of life. This is why at times we could benefit from the assistance provided by mental health professionals.
Mental health professionals opt for different specialisations in various areas of the discipline. We could either approach a specialist or have the professional pick a type of counselling outlook for us. In this article however, considering the wingspan of psychology, 14 methods have been listed.
Most common types of counselling are as follows:
- MARRIAGE AND FAMILY COUNSELLING– When two or more people from divergent backgrounds come together in marriage, no matter how familiar (if at all) their upbringing is, marriages can be tricky and require people to do better. The same goes for families, multiple people in a closely knit household not only in terms of vicinity but emotionally, can have adverse effects on someone’s distress. These troubled people could benefit by visiting a counsellor as coping up with life outside of home can negatively be affected.
- SUBSTANCE ABUSE COUNSELLING- In such cases, counsellors detect the stages of dependency or addiction and cater to the needs of the individual in terms of providing psychological and practical guidance in the process of detaching its association with the client. Since every client is different, customised strategies are created. They teach clients how to amend their attitudes and false beliefs, and for strategies to overcome denial and rationalization in the hope of achieving full recovery. Since clients are susceptible to relapse, many substance abuse counsellors work with clients on an on-going basis to maintain the track record.
- REHABILITATION COUNSELLING– This type of counselling refers to a practice where the counsellor aids people with their emotional and physical disabilities. People with disabilities experience challenges that require creative solutions. Rehabilitation counsellors evaluate the strength and limitations of their patients. They work in a variety of state departments and community programs. They are also employed in the private sector in for-profit and nonprofit organizations, such as schools, colleges, residential care facilities, drug rehabilitation facilities as well as in placement agencies who refer disabled people to employers. Rehabilitation counselling basically helps people with disabilities to lead an independent life.
- MENTAL HEALTH COUNSELLING- Mental health counsellors assist people to deal with issues that impact their mental health and well-being. Common illnesses treated by them are anxiety, depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) etc. Unlike psychologists however they cannot diagnose and treat severe cases of these, or other disorders altogether. Knowledge about mental illnesses is spreading insights thus making one have more courage to ask for help setting aside the stigma that has been particularly attached to them.
- EDUCATIONAL COUNSELLING- They are also known as School Counsellors. An educational counsellor is a counsellor who works with school students in a school environment. Schools hire them to assist special needs children with their studies, provide career counselling, based on the options available to students and also help students with their personal troubles. Some students may be suffering from domestic abuse, like fighting or divorced parents or some learning disabilities, in such cases the educational counsellor tends to take charge to help the child overcome strenuous scenarios as these factors affect a child’s growth. Thus, this counsellor looks into personal, social or behavioural problems as stated by the student.
Above mentioned were the common types of counsellors and what they provide. Now, we will look into the specific approaches of counselling or therapy used by mental health professionals.
But first, what is the basic difference between counselling and therapy? Usually, counselling focuses on a specific issue for a short amount of time. Therapy can be more long-term and focuses on an individual as a whole. However, for simple understanding of topics and methods, they can be used together.
- GRIEF COUNSELLING- Generally, children or young adults who have suffered the loss of a loved one tend to pick this field, as it is personal and their first-hand experiences are proven to be more beneficial. Grief counsellors help their clients to accept, process, move on (if they would like to). Basically, they guide them with healthier coping mechanisms. Each individual copes up with a loss in their own way, therefore counsellors follow customised paths.
- MUSICAL THERAPY- This type of therapy helps to improve mood, reduce stress and vocalizes self- expression. Music therapy is the use of music to look into the physical, emotional, cognitive, and social needs of a group or individual. It includes a variety of activities, such as listening to melodies, playing an instrument, drumming, writing songs, and guided imagery. Examples include: Playing a musical instrument, writing songs, music bingo.
- ART THERAPY- Art therapy is a specialized area under promotion of good mental health that uses art supplies and the creative process to explore emotions, reduce anxiety, increase self-esteem, and resolve other psychological conflicts. This can be done via visual art and media as well. Examples include: ‘Draw or paint your current emotions’, ‘create a sculpture of your anger’.
- EATING DISORDER THERAPY- Many individuals specially girls from adolescence to young adulthood are increasingly turning susceptible to acquiring a type of this disorder. The main reason being social media portraying unrealistic body standards, which are impossible to keep up with. Eating disorders are psychological conditions wherein the individual ends up creating unhealthy food habits, obsession with body weight or body shape. Since this is so personal to each individual, a qualified counsellor can be of immense help.
Since psychology is a broad field, we have a lot more types of counselling in terms of psychotherapy.
- PSYCHODYNAMIC COUNSELLING: This type is based on the idea that past experiences have an effect on experiences and feelings in the present, and that essential relationships, probably from early childhood, may be replayed with other people later in life as learnt behaviours and ideologies.
- CLIENT-CENTRED COUNSELLING: This is based on the principle that the counsellor brings forth three ‘core conditions.’ Them being- Empathy (putting oneself in other’s shoes), Unconditional positive regard (positive thoughts, warmth) and Congruence (openness and honesty).
- TRANSPERSONAL COUNSELLING: Transpersonal counselling emphasises personal empowerment. It takes into account the client’s past experiences, as well as looking for future hardships and ways to combat them. This approach looks at the spiritual outlook of life and human nature. Its basic belief is that whatever the hardships of human experience, the core essence, or soul, remains undamaged.
- PERSONAL CONSTRUCT COUNSELLING: It is built on the belief that nobody knows the actual truth, it is merely a personal construct, how we perceive it.
- COGNITIVE BEHAVIOURAL COUNSELLING: The objective is to alter self-defeating or irrational beliefs and behaviours by switching negative ways of thinking into positive ones- breaking negative thought cycles. Clients learn to detect emotional triggers, observe connections between their beliefs, behaviours and feelings alongside evidence against them to have a more realistic perspective. Generally, counsellors ask the clients to work on tasks outside of sessions to elevate the graph of growth.
YLCC would like to thank Meha Bhatt for her valuable insights