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The ESA Climate Office aims to enhance the availability and use of global satellite-derived Earth observation data to support decision-making. It manages the Climate Change Initiative, a major R&D effort that provides satellite-derived data records for key aspects of the climate to support the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
ESA CCI research fellowships are available to talented early-career researchers (post-PhD) from participating ESA Member States and are allocated based on the merit of the research proposal and the applicant. These fellowships are co-funded by ESA and based at a host institute/organisation for a period of up to 2 years and focus on the exploitation of ECV data products under development by the ESA Climate Change Initiative.
The current cohort of CCI ’research fellows focus on the fundamental understanding and long-term response of the climate system, and improving their knowledge of the carbon, water and energy cycles.
How to apply:
Interested candidates can Apply here
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