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Verist Law is a law firm established in 2014. Their partners are highly specialized in their respective domains.
They combine the contemporary ethos of flexibility with a traditional and conservative professional work ethic. Operationally, they blend precision with timeliness and creativity with caution.
They have been making a positive impact to all stakeholders who engage with them. Verist Law has advised numerous investment banks and major corporations (particularly listed companies) on a spectrum of transactions and strategic mandates.
They have offices in Mumbai, New Delhi and Bangalore.
Capital Markets Lawyers
3 years +
How to apply:
Interested candidates can send their applications to srishti.ojha@veristlaw.com
We have taken all measures to ensure that this opportunity, available in the corporate domain, is uploaded/provided/given on our social media platforms, including our website, and is credible, verified and sourced from authenticated/trustable sources.