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Lawyerpanel.org has one of the largest panel of lawyers across all major cities of India standing by & for you in case you have genuine problems and are unable to pay back your debt and face the prospects of litigation or illegal harassment. Lawyer Panel is a unit of Eresolution Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd.
Legal Consultant
Noida/ West Delhi (or Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore, Kolkata in case you prefer other metro cities)
- LLB/LLM 2024 Batch
- Protect the client’s legal rights in financial contracts
- Assist senior lawyers to achieve the resolution objectives of the client
- Draft legal documents and submissions to various regulatory authorities
- Work on client acquisition and retention
- Help clients in dispute resolution through mediation and arbitration
- Assist clients in negotiation/discussions with stakeholders
How to apply:
Interested candidates can Apply here
We have taken all measures to ensure that this opportunity, available in the corporate domain, is uploaded/provided/given on our social media platforms, including our website, and is credible, verified and sourced from authenticated/trustable sources.