In 2010, the National Green Tribunal was enacted under the National Green Tribunal Act. For the purposes of environmental justice and natural resource conservation, this Act provides for the resolution of civil lawsuits involving environmental issues. Certain protections under the law are included that specifically address ecological concerns. Article 21 of the Indian Constitution guarantees the right to a clean and healthy environment, and the National Green Tribunal Act, 2010 formalizes this guarantee.
In this article, Team YLCC brings you the Top 50 Interview Questions under the National Green Tribunal Act. Read on!
- What is the National Green Tribunal?
- What is the fundamental reason behind the establishment of the National Green Tribunal?
- When was the National Green Tribunal Act enacted?
- Define expert member and judicial member in accordance with the National Green Tribunal Act.
- What is the Tribunal’s composition?
- Who may submit cases to the Tribunal and what sort of cases are heard?
- Mention the essential qualifications required for the appointment of chairpersons, judicial members and expert members.
- What is the term of the office and conditions of service required for the chairperson and the members of the tribunal?
- To whom should the letter of resignation be addressed by the chairpersons, judicial members and expert members?
- What has been mentioned about the salaries and allowances of the members in the National Green Tribunal Act?
- Explain the process of removal or suspension of any member from the tribunal.
- What are the circumstances under which the office of chairperson is vacant?
- Who has the authority to appoint the chairpersons, judicial members and expert members?
- What are the functions that are followed by the staff of the tribunals?
- Enumerate the financial and administrative powers of the chairperson.
- What is the process followed by the tribunal to settle the disputes?
- Under what circumstances, the tribunal can order for relief and compensation?
- In certain cases, the tribunal has appellate jurisdiction. List down the situations in which the tribunal has the authority of the same.
- Mention the amount and the procedure that should be followed in case of damage to the environment.
- What happens when one does not comply with the orders given by the tribunal? Mention the penalties imposed by the tribunal.
- List down the kinds of offenses that can be made by the companies under chapter IV of the National Green Tribunal Act.
- Mention the offenses that can be committed by the government department.
- The National Green Tribunal Act brought few amendments to the existing acts. List down the names of the acts that underwent change post the commencement of the National Green Tribunal Act.
- What are the limitations to the compensation given by the Tribunal?
- Who can file an application for grant of relief or compensation or settlement of dispute to the Tribunal?
- How can an individual appeal to the National Green Tribunal?
- Under what circumstances, there is a liability to pay relief or compensation?
- What are the powers of the tribunal vested in the civil court under the Civil Procedure Code, 1908?
- How is the Tribunal functioning in the absence of full strength of judicial and expert members?
- Which section mentions the overriding effect of the National Green Tribunal Act?
- What was the objective behind the establishment of the National Green Tribunal Act?
- What is the process that should be complied with before filing an application to the Tribunal?
- What are the principles that the Tribunal can apply before passing any order?
- In case of difference of opinions between the members, who is responsible to make the decision?
- What is the name of the fund which is utilized for purposes relating to the environment?
- What is the time period given to the central government to make an order after the commencement of the act to remove difficulties?
- What will happen to the employees or the officers of the National Environment Appellate Authority?
- What is the National Environment Appellate Authority, and what is the composition of the same?
- What were the acts that were repealed with the commencement of the National Green Tribunal Act?
- What will happen to the pending cases that were registered before the National Environment Appellate Authority?
- Is the National Green Tribunal a constitutional body?
- What is the bar of the jurisdiction and which provision mentions the same?
- Where is the principal bench and the regional benches of the National Green Tribunal?
- Amar is concerned about threats to a national park or sanctuary, such as a proposed dam or the expansion of an existing expressway. Is it recommended that Amar appeal to the National Green Tribunal?
- Is there any legal validity to the decree passed by the National Green Tribunal?
- What can be done by the Tribunal when the appeal made is false or the claim is disallowed?
- On what basis does the Tribunal decide on the amount of the compensation or relief given to the injured party?
- What is the proper procedure through which the judicial member can be removed from the Tribunal?
- What is the maximum age limit to be the chairperson or the judicial member of the Tribunal?
- Will the Supreme Court entertain an appeal made after 90 days by the appellant? Give proper reasoning.
YLCC would like to thank Dibyangana Nag for her valuable insights in this article.