The Juvenile Justice Act (JJA) sets guidelines for juveniles who have been found to be in violation of the law in India and also includes provisions for vulnerable youngsters who require care and protection. The following parliamentary act received approval from the President on December 31, 2015, and is therefore being published for public information. This Act combines and amends laws favorably stated and discovered in contradiction to the law and the child’s requirements to offer protection and security by considering their necessities with lawful evaluation, guarantee, progression, rehabilitation, by implementing a child-friendly strategy.
In this article, Team YLCC brings you the Top 50 Interview Questions on the Juvenile Justice Act, 2015. Read on!
- When was this Act enacted and what was the major objective behind the establishment of the same?
- What was the name of the convention in which the Government of India acceded to a set of standards to secure the best interest of the child?
- State the meaning of ‘abandoned child’ according to the Act.
- Under which section was the Juvenile Justice Board constituted?
- What do you mean by Principle of non-stigmatising semantics?
- Mention the composition of the Juvenile Justice Board stated under Chapter III of the Act.
- Which Section of the Act mentions the general principles of care and protection of children?
- Define Special Juvenile Police Unit and state the Section involving the same.
- What are the qualifications required to be a member of the Juvenile Justice Board?
- State the provisions that should be followed if a child runs away from a special home or observation home or place of safety?
- What is the term of members of the Board?
- Raju aged 14 years is suffering from cancer which requires prolonged medical attention and treatment. Under these circumstances, what will the Board decide?
- Is the Board liable to ensure free legal aid for the child? Substantiate.
- State the functions and responsibilities of the Juvenile Justice Board according to Section 8(3) of the Act?
- What is the procedure that should be followed when a child alleged to be in conflict with law is apprehended by the police?
- Discuss the eligibility requirements that the prospective adoptive parents should meet.
- What are the powers of the Authority according to the Act?
- When a child aged 15 years 5 months commits a heinous offense, can the Board conduct a preliminary assessment?
- Can the Board give bail to all cases brought before them?
- What is the procedure that is followed when the child is released from an institution?
- Will this Act apply in case of an adoption done under the provisions of the Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act, 1956? Substantiate.
- State the role of inspection committees mentioned under Section 54 of the Act.
- What is the procedure that should be followed regarding the placement of the child who is addicted to alcohol or other drugs?
- Elucidate ‘special homes’ according to this Act.
- Are the authorities stated in the Act eligible for the grants of the Central government?
- State the procedure for inter-country adoption of an orphan or abandoned child.
- Discuss the criteria for sponsorship for the children stated in Section 45 of the Act.
- Define the principle of non-waiver of rights.
- Who is responsible for ensuring and monitoring the pending cases of the Juvenile Justice Board?
- Which Section of the Act mentions corporal punishment?
- What are the functions of the Central Adoption Resource Authority?
- State the composition of the Steering Committee of Authority.
- What is the liability of the person found guilty in corporal punishment who is in-charge of the child care institutions?
- Is employment of a child for begging valid? Explain with legal provisions.
- Mention the penalty that is imposed on the person for giving intoxicating substances to the child.
- Lalu was caught by the police as he was allegedly involved in a heinous crime and the information of Lalu was published in the local newspaper. Will this be considered as an offense against Lalu? Explain with legal provisions.
- Before issuing an adoption order, what are the considerations made by the court?
- State the allowances given to the Juvenile Justice Board.
- Which Section of the Act talks about the penalty for non-registration of child care institutions?
- State the reasons for disqualification of any member of the Board.
- Mention the timelines for police to submit reports to the Juvenile Justice Board.
- What are the services usually provided by the institutions to the children registered under this Act?
- Who can produce a child before the Child Welfare Committee?
- What is the liability of the person who is found guilty in exploitation of a child employee?
- State the procedure for inter-country relative adoption.
- What is the punishment given to any person who is found guilty for selling or procurement of children for any purpose?
- What is the procedure that should be followed for determining the age of the child?
- Mention the composition of the Child Welfare Committee according Chapter V of the Act?
- Do the Special Juvenile Police Unit also include the Railway Police dealing with Children?
- Section 106 of the Act mentions the State Child Protection Society. Explain.
YLCC would like to thank Dibyangana Nag for her valuable insights in this article.